Save More at Riverview Oasis: Return Guest Specials
Exclusive Offers for Our Returning Guests
As a valued guest of Riverview Oasis, we appreciate your loyalty. Enjoy exclusive rewards, including free nights, discounts on longer stays, and a generous referral program.
Return Guest Savings
3 Visits - One free night on your next visit of two or more nights PLUS 5% Repeat Guest Discount.
Additional Savings
- 15% off Third Night
- 20% off Fourth Night
- Monday to Friday 10% off entire stay
One discount per stay with the exception of One Free Night after 3 visits.
Free Wednesday
- Wednesday to Sunday - 4 Nights for the Price of 3
- Sunday to Wednesday - 4 Nights for the Price of 3
7 Night Stay
One Free Night
Guest Referral Program
Refer your friends and family!
3 Booked Referrals earn one free night on any two or more night stay!
List your referral by name in the comment section online or let us know
by phone! Once you receive 3 confirmed referrals we will email your voucher!
Can't wait to hear from you!
No exclusions on holidays or peak seasons!
One discount per reservation.